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About Palyul Ohio

Far away on a mountainside in Eastern Tibet in the Kham region in Baiyu is our Palyul Monastery; the heartbeat and source of this ancient lineage. We are a Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhist Temple within the Nyingma tradition dedicated to preserving this Palyul lineage. In this century, wherever His Holiness Kyabje Pema Norbu Rinpoche's lotus feet touched, it resulted in Palyul Centers emerging and thriving around the globe. Here in the Village of Richfield, Ohio we are fortunate to be part of this global network. This sacred imprint has also left its mark on the hearts of all who came in contact with His presence, compassion, and teachings.  When you come to our temple to visit, you may experience His Holiness' radiant blessings that can still be felt in our shrineroom which houses His Reliquary Stupa.  


We are Palyul Changchub Dargyeling Ohio.


With the joyous news of the rebirth of His Holiness Pema Norbu Rinpoche, we wish one day the young Yangsi will come to Ohio and bless our temple once more.  We warmly welcome you to come and join us to learn and experience the wisdom contained within Tibetan Buddhism.


Our sangha continues these sacred practices during the year together at our temple and hosts visiting Khenpos and Tulkus from Namdroling Monastery in India. In this way, we have the rare opportunity to receive Dharma teachings just as our teachers themselves have been taught by the great Masters before them, thus keeping this tradition pure, preserved, and vivid. We welcome you to join us on this journey. Om Ah Hung. 


All content © Palyul Changchub Dargyeling Ohio 2018. Palyul Changchub Dargyeling Ohio is a 501(c)3 non profit organization, and is recognized as a Church by the IRS. All donations are tax deductible under the law.

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