2022 Practice Schedule
Saturday 3/26/22 9:30-11:00a - Meditation and Introductory Practice
Sunday 3/27/22 9:30-11:00a - Shower of Blessing Tsok
Losar 2022
The Tibetan New Year (Losar), which begins on Thursday, March 3, will usher in the year of the male water Tiger. Each new year is associated with one of the twelve animal signs, one of the five elements, and a gender. Tuesday, March 1, is gutor, the 29th day of the last lunar month of the year when rituals and practices are performed in monasteries and lay people's homes to purify negativity, remove inauspiciousness, and avert all obstacles of the previous year, in preparation for welcoming in the new year. Wednesday, March 2, is the 30th lunar day when preparation continues with the cleaning of one's home from top to bottom. Various practices at the NYC and Vancouver Palyul dharma centers are being offered during this period. Please use the dharma center links below to see their schedules and join their practices.
Please email info@palyulohio.org to receive a Zoom link to the teachings.
Please email texts@palyulohio.org if you are unable to find a particular practice text among the texts listed on our practice texts page.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, masks are required to be worn by people attending practices in person at the Temple. If you are feeling ill, coughing, or sneezing, please attend practices online.
Please note that starting 3/13/22 all times are DST (UTD-5)
Interested in Tibetan Buddhism?
We warmly welcome you to join us.
Lama Samdup, our wonderful Resident Lama, leads our practice sessions. Texts are available at the temple. Don't miss this opportunity to learn directly from a Tibetan Lama.
If you are not already a sustaining Palyul Ohio member, please consider a monthly donation (PayPal link on Donation Page) and/or making a one-time donation that supports these teachings. Although we are not able to gather in the normal manner for teachings and practice, the temple still needs your support.